Friday, May 15, 2015

Thank You Notes

There was a time when hand written thank you notes were a rigorous part of our culture.  Through the years, Hallmark made the process simpler by creating beautiful cards with an appropriate verses. Even though it lacked the personal touch of a handwritten note, it became the acceptable norm.

Very quickly it is becoming a lost art and, it seems, that many people are forgetting to acknowledge the thoughtfulness of others.  At best, many will send off a hasty email and call it a day.

Sitting down with nice stationery with pen and ink in hand, took time and thought--it was a deliberate, considerate act.  More than likely, it made the recipient feel happy and appreciated.

It would be so nice if more people returned to some of the old niceties of life.  Sadly, we rush through our daily activities without giving much of ourselves to others.  Buy yourself a nice box of note cards and an ink pen.  Start letting people know that you care--it just might start enhancing your relationships.

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